Government aims to cover 25% of total kharif paddy area under climate-resilient seeds

In order to combat climate change impact, the government is aiming to cover 25% of the total kharif paddy area under climate-resilient seeds. The move comes as erratic rainfall patterns have become increasingly common in recent years, threatening rice production in the country. India, the world's second-largest rice producer after China, cultivates paddy on over 410 lakh hectares during the kharif season.

India's estimated rice production for the 2023-24 crop year (July-June) stands at 136.7 million tonne. The top rice-producing states include West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.

Sowing of paddy, the main kharif (summer) crop, is underway across the country. As of now, about 60 lakh hectares have been covered under paddy since the start of sowing operations in June. The adoption of climate-resilient varieties could play a crucial role in safeguarding India's rice production in the face of increasing climate uncertainty.