LIC AMC announces change in risk-o-meter of Overnight Fund

LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management has announced addendum to the Scheme Information Document (SID) and Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of LIC MF Overnight Fund

LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management has informed that pursuant to SEBI Master Circular for Mutual Funds dated 27th June 2024, regarding Product Labeling in Mutual Funds, the risk profiling of LIC MF Overnight Fund (an open-ended debt scheme investing in overnight securities with Relatively Low Interest Rate Risk and Relatively Low Credit Risk) stands revised from ‘Low’ to ‘Low to Moderate’. The change in Risk-o-meter will be evaluated on a monthly basis and there is no change in Risk-o-meter of other Schemes of LIC Mutual Fund. 

This Notice cum Addendum forms an integral part of the SID and KIM of the aforementioned Scheme of LIC Mutual Fund as amended from time to time. All other terms & conditions of the SID and KIM remain unchanged.