LIC AMC informs about change in provisions of SIP, STP, & SWP

LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management (AMC) has announced modification to Scheme Information Document (SID) and Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of designated Schemes and Statement of Additional Information (SAI) of LIC Mutual Fund.

LIC Mutual Fund has informed that the AMC has decided to modify the features, terms and conditions of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) and Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) as follows: 

1. Introduction of Daily frequency Systematic Investment Plan under various Schemes of LIC Mutual Fund.
2. Revision in the terms and conditions relating to Systematic Withdrawal Plan
3. Revision in the terms and conditions of Fixed Systematic Transfer Plan (FSTP)

This Notice cum Addendum shall form an integral part of SID and KIM of the aforesaid Schemes and SAI of LIC Mutual Fund as amended from time to time. All other terms and conditions of the aforesaid Schemes and SAI of LIC Mutual Fund will remain unchanged.