JTL Industries’ total sales volume stands at 97,488 MT in Q3FY25

JTL Industries has recorded a total sales volume of 97,488 MT in Q3FY25, including Nabha Steel volumes. The company achieved its highest ever nine-month sales volume (ex-Nabha Steels), which stands at 263,805 MT as compared to 259,933 MT in the corresponding period in FY24. Value added products contributed 21% to the total sales volume for Q3FY25, with commercial grade products accounting for the remaining 79%.

Nine-month export volume for FY25 is 25,417 MT, contributing approximately 10% to total sales as compared to 12,542 MT for the nine-month period in FY24, which was 5% of the total sales.

Since its acquisition in 2024, Nabha Steels and Metals continues to deliver consistent results. Year-to-date volumes for Nabha Steels totaled to 33,277 MT, demonstrating a healthy performance while maintaining consistent operational impact in line with expectations. 

JTL Industries manufactures various grades of galvanised steel tubes and pipes.