Tata AMC announces changes in fundamental attributes

Tata Asset Management Company (AMC) has announced that addendum to the Scheme Information Document (s) (SIDS) / Key Information Memorandum(s) (KIMS) of Specified Scheme(s) and Statement of Additional Information (SAI) of Tata Mutual Fund.

Tata Mutual Fund has informed the Schemes will write call options under a covered call strategy subject to guidelines issued by SEBI from time to time. At present Call Option writing is subject to following conditions: Call option writing under a cover call strategy is allowed for constituent stocks of NIFTY 50 and BSE SENSEX; The total notional value (taking into account strike price as well as premium value) of call options written by the scheme shall not exceed 15% of the total market value of equity shares held in that scheme;  The total number of shares underlying the call options written shall not exceed 30% of the unencumbered shares of a particular company held in the scheme. The unencumbered shares in a scheme shall mean shares that are not part of Securities Lending and Borrowing Mechanism (SLBM), margin or any other kind of encumbrance; In no case, the scheme shall write a call option without holding the underlying equity shares. A call option can be written only on shares which are not hedged using other derivative contracts; The total gross exposure related to option premium paid and received must not exceed 20% of the net assets of the scheme; The call option written shall be marked to market daily and the respective gains or losses factored into the daily NAV of the scheme until the position is closed or expired. 

This notice cum addendum will form an integral part of the SID/KIM cum Application Form. All other terms & conditions of the SIDS & Kim cum Application Form read with other addendums if any remain unchanged.